Media and Podcasts

"Turning down an MBE was one of the quickest decisions of my life"
Book Review: The Boxer
Nikesh Talks to Shondaland about writing and fatherhood
"Becoming a dad changed how I view creativity"
"'If I’m writing for my daughters, I want them to know who I am"
"I turned down an MBE"
Nikesh Shukla on community and speaking truth to power
"Brown Baby is a book about all of the things that keep me up at night"
Nikesh on the importance of showcasing erased voices
Nikesh on: What Is This Behaviour?
Nikesh on: Changes with Annie Mac
Nikesh on: High Fidelity
Brown Baby: The Podcast
Nikesh on: Griefcast
Nikesh on: The Moth
Nikesh on: Brown History
Nikesh on: 5 0'Clock Apron
Nikesh Shukla on: Distraction Pieces
Nikesh on: X-Ray Vision
Why diverse stories matter - TEDxLondon
How To Start Writing A Book - BBC Scotland
Nikesh - London Moth 2018
Honorary degree speech at the University of Bath
Tandoori Lambchop Sent to Space (Meatspace)
Writing Tips with Nikesh Shukla
A weekly, or thereabouts, newsletter on the writing life, with tips, exercises, anecedotes and thoughts on writing.