Contact Nikesh
Please get in touch if you are looking to commission Nikesh for work, approach him about teaching or mentoring, and/or appearing at one of your events.
Just to make sure your request gets seen, please state in the subject line what it is you're after. If you're approaching Nikesh for mentoring or teaching, let him know exactly what you're looking for and how you're hoping he can help you with your project. Unfortunately, currently, Nikesh isn't taking on free mentees. If you sign up to his substack, you'll be the first to know when he is. If you're booking him for an event, especially a school event, please let him know the date, time, fee, audience and what you'd like him to do. That's usually the first question, so best to lead with it. In terms of fees, Nikesh charges equitably for events. Everywhere has different budgets, and some places have no budget, so let him know the top end of what your allocated budget for speakers/workshop leaders is, so he can quote accordingly. That way, if everyone is paying what they can afford, it allows Nikesh to do school events for free. Nikesh lives in Bristol and so travel to/from there will be added on top. Sorry to be so fussy about all these details, it just makes it easier to work out what's do-able in the short time we have on this precious earth.
Writing Tips with Nikesh Shukla
A weekly, or thereabouts, newsletter on the writing life, with tips, exercises, anecdotes and thoughts on writing.